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  • Programmierbare DC-Speisegeräte der Serie 62000P

    Die Serie 62000P beinhaltet Speisegeräten von 600 W bis 5000 W mit Spannungen bis 600 V und Ströme bis 120 A; Ideal für das Test und die Entwicklung, die Speisegeräte der Serie 62000P lassen sich frei programmieren und erlauben die Erzeugung von Spikes und Sprungfunktionen.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 750 W 1HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology. 

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 1500 W 1HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GENH 750 W 1HE (half Rack)

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology. 

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 2400 W 1HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 3.3 kW 2HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology. 

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 5 kW 2HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 7.5 kW 3HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology. 

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 10 kW 3HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GEN 15 kW 3HE

    The Genesys power supply units are available as a standard model in versions from 200 W to 15 kW. Combined, solutions of over 100 kW are possible, which are used, among other things, in test systems, in the semiconductor industry, the automotive industry and in the manufacture of components and devices. Other areas of application are medical technology (light sources, lasers, MRI), electroplating, research, particle physics, renewable energies and environmental technology. 

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  • Programmierbare DC-Speisegeräte der Serie 62000H

    Die neuen programmierbaren DC-Netzgeräte der Serie 62000H bieten viele einzigartige Vorteile im Bereich Telekommunikation, automatisiertes Testsystem & Integration, Industrie, Batterieaufladung- und -simulation für Hybridfahrzeuge und Solarmodulsimulation. Diese Vorteile bestehen sud 15-KW-Hochleistungsdichte in 3U, präzisem Readback von Ausgangsstrom und -spannung, Ausgangs-Triggersignalen sowie Fähigkeit zur Schaffung von komplexen stossartigen Gleichstrom-Wellformen, um das verhalten von Geräten beim Impulsspitzen, Spannungsabfällen und anderen Spannungsabweichungen zu testen. 

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  • Programmierbare DC-Speisegeräte der Serie 62000B

    Die neuen modularen DC-Stromversorgungen der Serie 62000B von Chroma bieten viele einzigartige Funktionen für Burn-in und Beschichtungs-/Elektrolyseanwendungen. Diese Funktionen umfassen N+1-Redundanz, Hochleistungsdichten, Hot-Swap-Wartung, Remote ON/OFF und programmierbare Steuerung über den CAN-Bus.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Speisegeräte der Serie 62000H-S mit SAS

    Das aktuellste Netzgerät für den programmierbaren Solaranlagensimulator der Serie 62000H-S simuliert Voc (Leerlaufspannung) bis 1800 V ind Isc (Kurzschlussstrom) bis 30 A. Das Modell 62000H-S beistzt eine in der Industrie führende Leistungsdichte in einem kleinen 3U-Gehäuse. Der Solaranlagesimulator ist aüsserst stabil und auf ein schnelles Einschwingen ausgelegt, was für eine Bewertung der MPPT-Leistung bei PV-Invertergeräten con Vorteil ist.Die 62000H-S-Serie besitzt viele besondere Vorteile, wie Messschlatkreise für Hochgeschwindigkeits- & Präzisionsdigitalisierung mit 100-kHz-A/D, 25-kHz-D/A- gesteuerter I-V-Kurve und einem Digitalfiltermechanismus. Das Gerät kann eine IV-Kurve genau simulieren und reagiert auf den Netzwelligkeitseffekt vom PV-Inverter. Zudem kann das eingebaute EN50530/Sandia SAS I-V- Modell im eigenständigen Gerät problemlos die Parameter Voc, Isc, Vmp und Imp für I-V-Kurvensimulation ohne PC-Steuereinhite programmieren.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie GENESYS+ 5 kW 1HE

    The 5 kilowatt model sets a new standard for flexible, reliable DC power supply systems in OEM, industrial and laboratory applications. With a 1U height and a width of 19 “, the 5 kW model offers the highest power density and the lowest weight in the industry at less than 7.5 kg. The devices can be operated in constant current, constant voltage or constant power modes and offer an internal resistance simulation. The laboratory power supplies can be programmed as standard via the front as well as via the LAN, USB 2.0 or RS232 / 485 interfaces. The basic equipment also includes an integrated arbitrary generator with memory function for up to 4 arbitrary curves.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie Z+ 200 W

    The programmable power supplies of the Z + series are suitable for table or 2U rack mounting and offer outputs from 200 to 800 W, voltages up to 650 V and currents up to 72 A. Several remote control options are available; USB, RS232 and RS485 interfaces are available as standard; LAN, GPIB and isolated analog interfaces can also be installed as an option. The devices can operate in either constant current or constant voltage mode and accept a wide 85-265 VAC input. The product has a five-year guarantee.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie Z+ 400 W

    The programmable power supplies of the Z + series are suitable for table or 2U rack mounting and offer outputs from 200 to 800 W, voltages up to 650 V and currents up to 72 A. Several remote control options are available; USB, RS232 and RS485 interfaces are available as standard; LAN, GPIB and isolated analog interfaces can also be installed as an option. The devices can operate in either constant current or constant voltage mode and accept a wide 85-265 VAC input. The product has a five-year guarantee.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie Z+ 600 W

    The programmable power supplies of the Z + series are suitable for table or 2U rack mounting and offer outputs from 200 to 800 W, voltages up to 650 V and currents up to 72 A. Several remote control options are available; USB, RS232 and RS485 interfaces are available as standard; LAN, GPIB and isolated analog interfaces can also be installed as an option. The devices can operate in either constant current or constant voltage mode and accept a wide 85-265 VAC input. The product has a five-year guarantee.

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  • Programmierbare DC-Netzgeräte Serie Z+ 800 W

    The programmable power supplies of the Z + series are suitable for table or 2U rack mounting and offer outputs from 200 to 800 W, voltages up to 650 V and currents up to 72 A. Several remote control options are available; USB, RS232 and RS485 interfaces are available as standard; LAN, GPIB and isolated analog interfaces can also be installed as an option. The devices can operate in either constant current or constant voltage mode and accept a wide 85-265 VAC input. The product has a five-year guarantee.

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